Frequently Asked Questions

We have included some regular questions we receive below. If you are unable to find what you are seeking here or elsewhere on the site, please contact us.

Health Care FSA (HCSA)

What is the mileage reimbursement rate?

The standard mileage rate for use of an automobile to obtain health care during the following time periods is as follows:

  • 21 cents per mile = Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2024
  • 22 cents per mile = Jan 1 – Dec 31, 2023
  • 22 cents per mile = Jul 1 – Dec 31, 2022
  • 18 cents per mile = Jan 1 – Jun 30, 2022

What do I need to submit to support mileage with my claim form?

You can submit claims:

  1. Via the ASIFlex mobile app
  2. Through your online account at
  3. Manual claim form
Just list the date(s) of service and total number miles traveled. No supporting documentation is required.

Can I use my FSA to cover medical expenses for my qualified domestic partner?

The IRS does not recognize a qualified domestic partner for tax purposes. Qualified Domestic Partners may not file a joint tax return and expenses of a Qualified Domestic Partner do not generally qualify as a dependent under the definition of a "qualifying relative" under Internal Revenue Code Section 152. If you are unsure, you may confirm eligibility by using the Internal Revenue Code worksheet for determining dependent status found on page 20 of IRS Publication 501.

Whose expenses qualify under my HCFSA?

Qualifying expenses are those for medical care for yourself (the participant), your spouse, your qualified child or qualified relative. You may also claim medical expenses you incur and pay to medical providers of a child for whom you don't get the tax exemption due to a divorce decree, as long as one parent claims the child as a tax dependent. (The tax exemption may switch from year to year between parents. As long as one parent gets the tax exemption, the medical expenses you pay on behalf of the child to the medical provider qualify under the HCFSA.)

Where can I see a list of qualifying expenses for the HCFSA?

ASIFlex has an exhaustive eligible expense list; the list can be found under the Resources tab on the home page of this website. Please note that the list is updated frequently, as required by changing regulations.

Do all prescription medicines (drugs available only by prescription from a physician) qualify for my HCFSA?

Generally, yes, as long as they are prescription drugs and are legal under Federal and State law. However, prescriptions that are purchased solely for cosmetic purposes which are not treating an existing medical condition do not qualify under the plan.

Additionally, Federal law disallows the importation of drugs from foreign countries; as such, drugs purchased in foreign countries, even if they are prescription drugs, are not an allowable expense through your flexible spending program. The only exception to this rule is if you are in a foreign country and purchase and consume the drug while you are in the foreign country.

What are the requirements for reimbursements for over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and drugs?

OTC drugs and medicines purchased on or after January 1, 2020 do not require a prescription and are eligible for reimbursement. Just submit a claim with a copy of the merchant itemized store receipt showing the store name, date of purchase, a description of each item, and dollar amount. Note: If OTC drug and medicines were purchased prior to January 1, 2020 a physician prescription is required.

Items such as vitamins, herbs or nutritional supplements are considered to be expenses incurred for general good health purposes and do not typically qualify for reimbursement through your HCFSA . In order to claim these items, you must have:

  • An existing or imminent medical condition;
  • A pre-printed receipt from the provider documenting the purchase;
  • A physician diagnosis and prescription for the specific item(s) if it is a vitamin, herb or nutritional supplement.

Do health club dues, massages, vitamins, herbs and nutritional supplements and exercise equipment qualify for my HCFSA?

Generally, no. Items such as those listed above are typically considered to be utilized for general good health purposes and, as such, typically do not qualify for the HCFSA. However, if you have been diagnosed with a medical condition that necessitates the purchase of these items and you would not have purchased them if it were not for the medical condition, then they can qualify for your HCFSA. To claim these items, you must have a letter of diagnosis and recommendation/prescription for these items to qualify under your HCFSA. This letter is valid for 12 months from issue date. A sample letter of medical necessity is available by following this link.

What transportation expenses qualify for the HCFSA?

Transportation that is primarily for and essential to obtaining medical care.

  • Bus, taxi, train or plane fares or ambulance services,
  • Transportation expenses of a parent who must travel with a child who needs medical care,
  • Transportation expenses of a nurse or other person who can give injections, medications and other treatment required by a patient who is traveling to get medical care and is unable to travel alone, and
  • Transportation expenses for regular visits to see a mentally ill dependent, if these visits are recommended as part of treatment.

Mileage is reimbursable for use of a car for medical reasons. You can also include parking fees and tolls. You can add these fees and tolls to your expenses whether claiming actual car expenses or using the standard mileage rate.

How much can I contribute to my health care HCFSA?

The annual maximum contribution is $2750.00.

Can I claim my 25 year old son's medical expenses through my HCFSA even if I don't claim him as a tax dependent?

Yes. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) that was passed in March, 2010, modified the rules regarding whose expenses were eligible for reimbursement. There are two stipulations are that the individual:

  • Be a “child” of the taxpayer (son, daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, adopted child or an eligible foster child (defined as an individual who is placed with the employee by an authorized placement agency, or by judgment, decree or other order of any court of competent jurisdiction); and
  • Be age 26 or younger for the entire plan year in which medical expenses are claimed (i.e. if you have a child who turns 27 in a given plan year, his/her expenses cannot be claimed in that plan year).

What happens if I leave employment mid-year?

The HCFSA is an active employee benefit. If you sever employment with Jeffco Schools mid-year you have two options. Option one is to claim expenses that were incurred while you were actively employed by Jeffco Schools. If you select this option, you have until September 30th following the close of the current plan year to submit claims. Option two is to elect COBRA coverage, and pay the monthly contribution amount on a post-tax basis. This option allows you to extend your period of coverage for the remainder of the plan year.

Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP)

Does my dependent care provider have to be a licensed day care center?

No, they do not have to be licensed, unless they care for enough individuals to require licensing in your state. The provider must provide you with the company’s Tax ID Number or his/her Social Security Number, as this will be required when filing your Federal income tax returns.

Additionally, the care provider can be a relative of yours (even if he/she lives in your home) as long as the provider is not a dependent. However, do not count any amounts you pay to:

  1. A dependent for whom you (or your spouse if filing jointly) can claim as an exemption;
  2. Your child who was under age 19 at the end of the year, even if he or she was not your dependent;
  3. A person who was your spouse any time during the year; or
  4. The parent of your qualifying person if your qualifying person is your child and under age 13.

If I pay my dependent care provider in advance of the services, can I file my claim when I pay?

No. You may file claims for services provided after the period of service claimed has been completed. The service must be provided that gives rise to the expense. Expenses are not valid based upon when paid.

Whose expenses qualify under my DCFSA?

Your work-related expenses must be for the care of one or more members of your home who are qualifying persons. You must provide over half of the qualifying person’s support. The qualifying person cannot have income in excess of the Federal exemption amount. A Qualifying Dependent is:

  • Your qualifying child under the age of 13, who shares the same residence with you, or
  • Your spouse or qualifying child or qualifying relative who is physically or mentally unable to care for him/herself who shares the same residence with you and has income less than the Federal exemption amount.

If you are divorced, you must have physical custody of your child for over half of the year, in order to be eligible for reimbursements through your DCAP. If custody is exactly equal then neither parent can use the childcare expenses. The parent who has more than 50% custody is eligible for the dependent care regardless of who claims the tax exemption. Physical or mental incapacity must be disabling. Persons who are not able to dress, clean or feed themselves because of physical or mental problems are considered unable to care for themselves. Persons with mental defects who require constant attention to prevent them from injuring themselves or others are considered unable to care for themselves.

Do Kindergarten charges qualify for my DCFSA?

No. Expenses for education do not qualify for your DCFSA. However, if you are charged for “after-care” for the portion of the day that your child attends the school that is charged for care and well-being, this charge does qualify for the DCFSA. Your provider must provide you with support for the charges for the portion that is specifically for care and well-being.

Can I claim dependent care expenses under my DCFSA after my child turns 13 years old?

Expenses for dependent care no longer qualify for the DCFSA on the day your child turns age 13, unless your child is physically or mentally disabled and incapable of self-care. Persons who are not able to dress, clean or feed themselves because of physical or mental problems are considered unable to care for themselves. Persons with mental health challenges who require constant attention to prevent them from injuring themselves or others are considered unable to care for themselves. Care for dependents incapable of self-care qualifies to any age as long as it is for care and well-being while you are working or looking for work.

Do charges for food, transportation, activity fees, etc. qualify for reimbursement from my DCFSA?

No. Only charges for care and well-being in order for you to work or look for work qualify for your DCFSA. Separately billed charges for food, transportation, activity fees, etc. do not qualify.

Do summer camps that include an overnight stay qualify for my DCFSA?

No. The Internal Revenue Code disqualifies expenses that include overnight care. The charges cannot be prorated to include the portion that was for care during the day while you were working.

Does summer school tuition qualify for my DCFSA?

No. The Internal Revenue Code does not allow the tax exemption on expenses incurred for education.

Do soccer, baseball, football, gymnastics, ballet, etc. day camps qualify for my DCFSA?

If the primary purpose of these camps is for care and well-being in order for you (or you and your spouse if married) to be gainfully employed, they may qualify. If ASIFlex cannot independently verify the primary purpose of the camp, ASIFlex will request a statement that the primary purpose is for care and well-being and not for educational/instructional purposes. Summer school is considered educational and not eligible for reimbursement. Overnight camps are not eligible for reimbursement.

When can I begin filing claims against my DCFSA?

You may file claims as soon as you incur charges (have services provided) after the plan year has begun.


Can I file my claims by fax? If so, is there a toll-free fax number?

Yes, you may fax your claims to ASIFlex's toll-free claims submission line at (877) 879-9038.

Can I mail my claims?

Yes, ASIFlex's mailing address is: PO Box 6044, Columbia, MO 65205-6044.

However, if you are sending something through a courier service such as UPS or FedEx, you will need to use the physical address: 201 West Broadway, Ste. 4C, Columbia, MO 65203.

How do I know if my claim form was received?

If you file your claim form online or via the mobile application, you will be provided with a confirmation number after you submit the claim. This number indicates that your claim was received by ASIFlex.

Do I have to send original statements?

No. Copies of provider statements are acceptable, as long as they are legible and have not been altered.

Why do I have to provide documentation from the provider regarding the date the services were provided rather than the date I paid or was billed for services?

The Internal Revenue Code regulations require that the statement from the independent provider include what type of service was provided and for what period of time. The expenses must have been provided during the period of time that you were covered during the plan year. Statements showing payments made or bills for services rendered are acceptable as long as they identify what service was provided, for whom, by whom and for what period of time.

Why do I have to provide documentation from the provider indicating the general type of services provided?

The Internal Revenue Code regulations require that the statement of services from the independent provider indicate the type of services provided. The regulations also require that each item claimed be adjudicated by the plan (or administrator) to determine whether the expense qualifies under the plan and whether the services were provided during the period that the participant was covered under the plan.

Where do I get more claim forms?

Claim forms are located in the Forms section located under the Resources tab on the home page of this website.

How often can I submit claims?

You may submit claims as frequently, or as infrequently as you prefer. You do have to file at least one claim each year prior to the claims filing deadline for the plan year in which the services were provided.

Why do I have to sign my claim form?

The regulations provided by the Internal Revenue Code (Section 125) require that a participant provide a statement with each reimbursement request to certify that the expenses claimed were not paid by insurance or other means and reimbursement will not be sought from another party.

What documentation do I have to submit with my claim?

Each item claimed must be supported by an itemized statement of service from an independent provider. Documentation must contain the following information in order for payment to be issued:

  • the name of the provider of the service;
  • the name of the person obtaining care;
  • the date(s) of service;
  • the amount charged for the service; and
  • an itemized description of each service provided.

For items covered by insurance, the insurance explanation of benefits (EOB) may also be used since a statement of services has already been submitted to the insurance company for determination of service date and whether it was a qualifying expense.

What items are required to be on the documentation from the provider?

The supporting documentation must identify the provider of services and the person obtaining the care as well as the date, cost and general description of services provided. The insurance explanation of benefits (EOB), for items covered by insurance, may also be used since a statement of services has already been submitted to the insurance company for determination of service date and whether it was a qualifying expense.

If my claim is received via fax or US mail today in ASIFlex's office, when will it be reviewed?

ASI typically reviews all claims within one business day of receipt. Payments are issued for all eligible amounts the same day that a claim is processed.

How often are claim payments released?

ASI releases claim payments each business day, excluding major holidays, for claims processed that day.

Do I need to itemize my prescriptions on my claim form?

Each prescription does not have to be listed on a separate line of the claim form. You are welcome to group prescriptions from the same pharmacy on one line of the claim form, indicating the range of fill dates and total of the prescriptions filled on those dates.

Can I send a credit card receipt as support for my claim form?

No. A credit card receipt only shows that a payment was made. Federal regulations require that the supporting documentation identify the provider of services and the person obtaining the care as well as the date, cost and general description of services provided. The insurance explanation of benefits (EOB), for items covered by insurance, may also be used since a statement of services has already been submitted to the insurance company for determination of service date and whether it was a qualifying expense.

How often can I submit claims?

You may submit claims as often or as infrequently as you prefer. You do have to file at least one claim each year prior to the claims filing deadline.

Is there a minimum claim amount?

No. ASI does not have a claim minimum.

What does incurred mean?

Incurred is defined in Internal Revenue Code Section 125 as the date that the services are provided that gave rise to the expense. Expenses are not considered to be provided at the time you are billed for or pay for services.

Is payment for my HCFSA released the same day the claim is reviewed and processed by ASIFlex?

ASI releases HCFSA funds on the day the claim is reviewed (not always the day received).

When can I begin filing claims against my HCFSA?

You may file claims as soon as you incur charges (have services provided) after the plan year has begun.

How long do I have to submit claims after the Plan Year is over?

The deadline for filing claims for each Plan Year is defined in your Plan Document. Generally, plans allow 90 days after the end of the Plan Year to file claims for services provided during that Plan Year. Please check with your Employer or ASIFlex regarding this information.

When must I submit reimbursements for my HCFSA?

All requests for reimbursement must be filed by October 31st, following the end of the previous plan year. After that date, you will lose any funds left in your account.

Direct Deposit

How long does my authorization for direct deposit remain in effect with ASIFlex?

Your authorization for direct deposit remains in effect with ASIFlex until you change or revoke that authorization. ASIFlex does retain direct deposit information from Plan Year to Plan Year unless notified of a change by the participant.

How do I change the account number or institution into which ASIFlex deposits my reimbursements?

You may change your direct deposit information online after signing into your account.

You may also complete and sign a Direct Deposit Form located in the Forms section accessible on the home page of this website under the Resources tab.

Does my employer notify ASIFlex when I change my bank account number for direct deposit for payroll?

No. You are responsible for notifying ASIFlex of any changes required for direct deposit of your Flexible Spending Account claims.

Are the direct deposits to my bank account effective with my bank the same day the claim is processed?

No. Federal banking regulations do not allow the deposit to be effective the day the deposit is generated by ASI. Therefore, the effective date of the deposit is typically the banking day following the release of payment of the claim by ASI. However, this will vary based upon when your financial institution posts the deposit information (typically, credit unions take two business days for deposits to post to your account).

Account Information

How can I check on my remaining balance?

You may view your remaining balance and account activity via the secure mobile app or login to your online account.


Can I change my election amount after the plan year starts?

Generally, no. Your election under the Plan is irrevocable after the annual open enrollment period has closed for the entire Plan Year unless you have a qualifying event (life status event). If you have experienced a qualifying event, please review your Enrollment Booklet found by clicking Resources and then Enrollment from the Home screen for specific information.